Help Us Find The Company Or Fleet That Will Cherish These Books!


Congratulations to the U.S. 7th Fleet, the winner of the Complete Collection Military Giveaway.

We are reaching out to fans that are deployed, as well as their friends and loved ones, to identify the Company or Fleet that would most cherish a complete collection of the Mitch Rapp series, plus Term Limits.  This giveaway includes mostly first-edition hardcover books and signed editions of The Last Man and Enemy Of The State.

Part of the collection was donated by a generous fan, with one caveat; they must be sent to Military members. 

So, please nominate the Company or Fleet that would most-appreciate this rare collection, via the form below. The one with the most nominations will be sent the books.

Submissions close on 3/28/2018.  One entry per email address.

giveaway rules