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Sharing Signed Copies Of Vince's Books

“I was a school resource officer working at a suburban high school. I was talking to a guidance counselor and he asked me if I liked to read. I told him I did and the next day he brought in a hardback copy of Term Limits. I was thumbing through the front of the book and discovered it had been signed by Vince Flynn with a note to the counselor's wife! I told him that I could not take this book home as I had dogs and children and would be mortified if something happened to the book. He insisted that it was fine. So, I did take it home and read it. When I returned the book to him he brought in the next one, also signed, and we continued this up to Extreme Measures. Again, all of them signed to his wife. I was hooked after the first one and was very grateful that this gentleman would trust me with these wonderful books. I retired over 8 years ago and have not seen him since but think of him every time I see a Vince Flynn Facebook post or buy another novel. I also feel a profound sadness when I think of Vince Flynn's passing and the impact he had on so many people. Thanks for the memories!” - Joe